Tom Remillard《Perpetual Motion》片段重剪辑

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-02-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

 Tom Remillard在上一部TWS大片《Perpetual Motion》中的个人片段让人印象深刻。
近日熟悉各种地形并集速度和流畅于一身的Tom Remillard终于被Expedition-One转为pro,让我们重温这部《Perpetual Motion》Remix

 Tom Remillard 's part in TWS‘s Perpetual Motion was a lot of people's favorites. And how could you blame 'em? Break-neck skating, sketchy tranny, and straight up owning Washington Street set to Red Fang.

来源: 中国滑板网
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