作者: 发表于: 2013-12-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

最近DVS为《Concrete》杂志拍摄专题, Torey Pudwill, Marty Murawski, Zack Wallin, Jon Nguyen, Luis Tolentino, Paul Shier和Corey Lakeman一行人来到加拿大拍摄、Demo……看到DVS的Team再次开始活跃真是一件令人高兴的事,北方的寒冷也并没有阻挡全队开心滑板的热情

The DVS Team was recently on tour in Canada working on an editorial feature for Concrete Mag. This video highlights some of the HAM that went down in the True North. Featuring Torey Pudwill, Marty Murawski, Zack Wallin, Jon Nguyen, Luis Tolentino, Paul Shier, and Corey Lakeman. 

来源: 中国滑板网
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