
作者: 发表于: 2013-12-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

TWS的板场今年真是好不热闹,各路神仙大咖均有得意片段在板场拍摄: DGKAYC,本地板仔 Logan Taylor, Riley Hawk,Danny Dicola,你认识不认识都有出现,TWS现在做了一个2013板场回顾集锦,好的滑板动作总是百看不厌

TWS had all kinds of homies roll through and film at the TWS Park in 2013: DGK, AYC, locals like Logan Taylor, Riley Hawk, and Danny Dicola—you name it, they most likely came through and shredded. Who killed it the hardest and who do you want to see in here next year?

来源: 中国滑板网
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