Almost呈现系列影片《Almost Famous》 Ep.1

作者: Almost Skateboards 发表于: 2013-12-19 评论: 0 查看: 0

Almost一直以古怪可爱搞笑无厘头的造型和设计被业界所熟知,而旗下厉害的奇葩滑手(甚至奇葩成传奇的也不止一个)被大家津津乐道,Daewon Song, Rodney Mullen, Chris Haslam, Cooper Wilt, Willow, Youness Amrani, Mitchie Brusco一队人把平时拍摄时候的花絮片剪成了一个系列片,第一集,请欣赏

A window inside the Almost Universe, based on random segments of remixes, organized chaos and having fun with that stunt wood we call skateboard.

Almost Immediate Family: Daewon Song, Rodney Mullen, Chris Haslam, Cooper Wilt, Willow, Youness Amrani, Mitchie Brusco. #LewisMarnellForever

来源: 中国滑板网
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