红牛Red Bull Daily Grind-滑板入侵办公室最终预告

作者: 红牛Redbull 发表于: 2013-12-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

Red Bull Daily Grind滑板入侵办公室短片16号正式上线,届时我们一起体验Ryan Sheckler, Felipe Gustavo, Joey Brezinski, Corbin Harris, Alex Midler, Ryder Lawson, Gard Hvaara和Sewa Kroetkov这些红牛队员骚扰红牛“员工”的办公室滑板生活吧!

The Red Bull Daily Grind is coming December 16. This second (and final) teaser shows some details of the converted office features and highlights the full crew involved, not just Sheckler and Felipe……

来源: 中国滑板网
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