
作者: Thrasher 发表于: 2013-11-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

轴承品牌Bones最近发布了一段新的宣传视频,与以往的滑板视频不同,这一次出镜的并不是滑板,而是请来了知名旱冰鞋滑手Michelle Steilen踩着旱冰鞋带我们滑遍洛杉矶的那些经常在视频中看到的滑板地形。而Bones此举也是有意义的,他们希望通过这种方式感谢Michelle等女性旱冰滑手们对Bones的支持。下面我们就一起来看看她们是怎么用溜冰鞋玩转这些滑板地形的吧。

Michelle Steilen, also known in the roller derby world as Estro Jen is the owner of Moxi Roller Skates and Moxi Shop. She is a star in the Long Beach roller derby scene and she does a lot to push and promote anything and everything roller skating related. Since we make Rollerbones, our roller derby company, and all the roller derby ladies skate Bones Bearings, we wanted to do something to show support to all the derby ladies who support us. We came up with an idea to do something a little be different and decided to film some stuff at some famous skateboard spots in Los Angeles. We really had no idea how this would turn out. Hope you all enjoy this.


来源: Thrasher
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