Adidas滑板项目发布15周年影片-Gonz and adidas

作者: 发表于: 2013-07-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

今年是Mark Gonzales在Adidas Skateboarding队伍里的第15个年头,Adidas发布了‘15 years of Gonz and adidas’整片来庆祝这15年与Gonz的合作,向Gonz为发展滑板运动做出的贡献致敬。

Mark Gonzales has been a member of the adidas Skateboarding family inspiring, developing and nurturing the skateboarding program for 15 years. It is with great honor that we celebrate Gonz, not only for these past 15 years of adventure, but for having such an impact on our lives and making skateboarding what it is today.

来源: Adidas
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