
作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-08-08 评论: 0 查看: 0



     滑板网站skateboardermag近日制作了一期"5 BEST SKATE VIDEOS FROM 2003"(2003年5部最棒的滑板视频)的专题,从现在的角度来看,这些影片显的有些老旧,但是却无法掩盖他们的光芒!这些影片引导了一代年轻人爱上滑板这项运动,原文编辑也在专题中写到“那时候(2003年)我只有13岁,因为这些滑板影片让我与滑板结识·····他们(视频中的滑手)是传奇,甚至改变了以后滑板影片的模式!”




Girl Skateboards – Yeah Right




Emerica – This is Skateboarding



Flip Skateboards – Really Sorry



Habitat – Mosaic



DC – The DC Video



A lot has happened in a decade, but in the 365 days it took to make the year 2003, some of the raddest skate videos of my youth were released. I was thirteen at the time, the perfect age to get sucked into skateboarding even more than I already was, and these videos were a huge part of why it happened. Jamie Thomas, Andrew Reynolds, Arto Saari, Rick McCrank, and so many other names became common within my conversations.


来源: skateboardermag
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