Paul Rodriguez将离开Plan B滑板队伍

作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-08-02 评论: 0 查看: 0


     近日Paul Rodriguez在参加一个电台节目访谈中,透露出自己将离开效力8年之久的Plan B滑板队伍。该消息一出立即引发了所有媒体的关注,无疑在人们的印象中P-Rod就是Plan B的代言人,P-Rod在节目中也透露出离开Plan B后将会成了自己的滑板品牌,我们还会密切关注事态进展!



Heres a short video featuring Paul Rodriguez giving a few words on his departure from Plan B. In case you havent heard, Paul, like many others in skateboarding right now, left Plan B after an 8 year run to spearhead his own skateboard brand to take full ownership of himself. Hear it straight from his mouth in the video below, shot during a radio show on Power 106 FM.


来源: skateboardermag
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