Ron Deily新片《NJ Venture》正式发布

作者: thrashermagazine 发表于: 2013-07-05 评论: 0 查看: 0


       滑手Ron Deily最新个人视频《NJ Venture》正式发布,在新泽西和纽约拍摄期间正好遭遇飓风桑迪袭击美国,影片中还能依稀看出被破坏的街道和海岸,不过好在一切都已经过去,新的生活将继续开始。同时该片也作为他的新款Venture支架的宣传视频,新支架不久将正式发售!



Unless you saw it first-hand, its tough to know how much damage Hurricane Sandy created. Ron shows his East Coast love (and his rad-smooth-fun skate style) by filming this part in and around New Jersey and New York.


来源: thrashermagazine
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