Steve Caballero与儿子的快乐儿童节

作者: Vanstv 发表于: 2013-06-05 评论: 0 查看: 0


       在刚刚过去的儿童节,Vans滑手Steve Caballero陪着儿子Caleb度过了一个快乐的儿童节。别看Caleb才几岁,却滑板,摩托样样拿手,这应该要得益于Steve Caballero的培养,看Caleb在Vans park里的出色表现,小朋友前途无量啊!



Id have to agree with Vans that the only thing cooler than actually being Steve Caballero is having Steve as your dad. In this episode of Adventures with Chris, Steve Caballero ventures into Orange County for a fun filled weekend with his son Caleb.


来源: Vanstv
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