Eric Koston特别撰文“我与俊仔共同在香港滑板”

作者: theberrics 发表于: 2013-04-27 评论: 0 查看: 0


        谈到香港滑板就不能不聊及到Brian Siswojo,Warren Stuart和他们的8Five2 滑板店,那里是香港滑板的最初发源之一,培养起了一代如今香港的核心滑板力量,俊仔(Chun Chai)就是其中一人。Eric Koston最近在Berrics特别撰写了一篇文章通过俊仔这个角度来看香港的滑板。




 I went to Hong Kong for the first time in 2004 and on that trip I was fortunate enough to meet Brian Siswojo who owns the skateshop out there, 8Five2. Back then the scene was relatively small for a booming metropolis like Hong Kong, with there only being one skatepark and only a couple handfuls of guys rounding out their core skate scene...........余文地址http://theberrics.com/gen-ops/chun-chai-in-hong-kong.html



来源: theberrics
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