
作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-04-18 评论: 0 查看: 0


      滑板品牌Lurkville Usa昨日公布了新片预告,今天又乘热打铁的为我们送上亚利桑那州2013滑板之旅视频,本次滑板之旅几乎是全体出动,一起为Lurkville Usa的新片《Meet The Lurkers》预热起来!



Lurkville lurkers Dolan Stearns, Mike Abarta and special guest skaters Marshal Winter and Fritz Mead recently went out to Phoenix AM to skate the contest and rightfully took advantage of the road trip by hitting some ditches, parks, and street spots. Keep your eyes peeled for the Lurkville video, Meet The Lurkers, coming Summer 2013


来源: skateboardermag
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