滑板影片《Into the Thicket》正片

作者: dslmag 发表于: 2013-04-09 评论: 0 查看: 0


       滑板影片《Into the Thicket》正片昨日正式发布,看过之前的预告片已经对影片做了心理准备,但是正片毫无疑问的再一次震撼了我们。三位滑手Chris Haslam,Todd Myers,Mat Howell在加拿大温哥华岛上的森林里带给我们一次心灵的洗礼,电影级别的拍摄手法与剪辑,使得本片将开辟滑板影片拍摄的新方式!



Into the Thicket chronicles the journey of a few skateboarders treck into the forests of Vancouver Island to skate a ramp constructed using the surrounding environment and few other materials.


来源: dslmag
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