RedBull -《Perspective》我是Ryan Sheckler

作者: TranSkate工作室 发表于: 2013-03-27 评论: 0 查看: 0


        Red Bull放出《Perspective》 的滑手个人片段,本期我们将先为大家带来滑手Ryan Sheckler的采访部分。还是孩子时候Ryan Sheckler就凭借着自己的努力成为滑板届中的新星。2003年,他拿下了X GAME的金牌,而且是当时有史以来年纪最小的优胜者,在2008和2010他又再度捧得X-Game冠军。同时他也是3届AST滑板巡回赛的获胜者,至今他到各个国家参加过大大小小数不清的比赛。在2010年,他从加州业余滑板联盟CSCL 冠军头衔晋升到ISF 滑板世界冠军,他就在用实际行动向我们证实着“SKATE LIFE”,。



Ryan Sheckler has been earning the “SKATE LIFE” tattoo on his forearm since he first set foot on a skateboard. In 2003, at the age of 13, he was the youngest competitor ever to win X Games gold. He repeated the feat in 2008 and again in 2010. To date, Ryan has won the Action Sport Tours (AST) championship three times and almost countless more contests, from his California Amateur Skateboarding League (CASL) championship titles to the ISF Skateboarding World Championships in 2010.


来源: TranSkate工作室
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