DVS - 底特律滑板之旅

作者: Skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-02-21 评论: 0 查看: 0


        去年走出困境的DVS终于发布了团队视频,本次视频拍摄前往了美国中部城市底特律展开他们的DVS Does Detroit Tour。相信今年DVS一定会重塑辉煌!参与滑手包括Torey Pudwill, Daewon Song, Luis Tolentino, Marty Murawski等。



DVS hits the streets of Detroit in this recent video. Check out the shredding from Torey Pudwill, Daewon Song, Luis Tolentino, Marty Murawski and more.

来源: Skateboardermag
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