今天是大年初7,相信很多工作的朋友刚刚结束新年假期开始新年的第一天工作,但是滑板轮品牌Bones最新滑板影片《New Grounds》势必要让大家的第一天工作日的时候心不在焉,滑板网第一时间为大家带来影片优酷完整版,喜欢影片的朋友可以前往官方下载收藏http://bones.com/bones-video-new-ground/downloadnow
参与滑手有Ben Raybourn, Jared Huss, Trent McClung, Trevor McClung, Evan Smith, MOOSE, Josh Hawkins, Aldrin Garcia, Jordan Hoffart, JAWS, Dakota Servold, Chris Joslin, David Gravette, Chris Haslam, Ryan Dezenzo, Kevin Kowalski, Brad McClain, Matt Berger, Kevin Romar等
The new Bones Wheels full-length video is on YouTube and is downloadable on Bones site. Jared Huss and Ben Raybourn has some ripping parts in here! Aldrin Garcia comes through with some rad stuff too!