ZooYork - 《True East》年末团队视频

作者: ZooYork 发表于: 2012-12-05 评论: 0 查看: 0


       ZooYork携新团队短片《True East》重新回归我们的视线,作为ZooYork年末发布的团队短片,《True East》从今年3月开始拍摄一直持续到11月份,足迹遍布美国东海岸亚特兰大、波士顿、迈阿密、费城、匹兹堡、纽约等城市。加上ZooYork滑手的全员参与,可以说这部短片的分量十足,抓紧时间点击视频吧。
         参与拍摄的滑手:Chaz Ortiz, Dave Willis, Kevin Tierney, Kevin Taylor, Forrest Kirby, Aaron Suski, Ian Twa, Ron Deily, Travis Glover and Brandon Westgate




ZOO YORK proudly presents, TRUE EAST, nine minutes of straight shredding by the Z.Y. crew. The raw power, energy and distinctness of East Coast skateboarding bangs you over the head in this one.


来源: ZooYork
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