Nyjah Huston -《Last Call》个人预告视频

作者: thrashermagazine 发表于: 2012-11-28 评论: 0 查看: 0


       Nyjah Huston个人视频《Last Call》将于月底与我们见面,今年可谓是Nyjah Huston的丰收年,年初正式加入DC队伍,下半年又获得2012 Street League总冠军。对于这位年仅17岁的滑手来说是时候庆祝一下了,先让我们通过《Last Call》的预告片饱下眼福吧!



You cant talk SOTY2012 and not include Nyjah in the conversation. Last week we surprise delivery: 60 seconds of hard-hitting footage from Mr Huston. Stay tuned this Wednesday.




来源: thrashermagazine
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