在这寒冷的秋冬季节,还有什么比一部滑板大片更让人燥热的呢?北京时间11月17号中午12点美国当地时间11月16号晚间,Girl&Chocolate的年度大片《Pretty Sweet》即将于我们见面了。早在几个月前,官方就放出了影片的预告用来预热。
影片拍摄地点横跨中国,中美洲,欧洲等,本片由导演Ty Evans与Spike Jonze共同协作完成,加上Girl&Chocolate的全明星豪华整容。还有什么理由不期待的呢?点击插卡Vice杂志发布的《Pretty Sweet》上映前的最后一支预告片吧!
参与拍摄滑手:Brian Anderson, Alex Olson,Jeron Wilson,Guy Mariano ,Brandon Biebel,Sean Malto,Mikemo Capaldi,Rick MCCrank, Cory Kennedy, Eric Koston,Chico Brenes,Chris Roberts,Devine Callowway,Justin Eldridge,Marc Johnson, Kenny Anderson,Vincent Alvarez ,Jesus Fernandez,Anthony Pappalardo,Gino Iannucci,Daniel Castillo,Raven Tershy,Elijah Berle ,Stevie Perez ,Rick Howard,Mike Carroll
For the last installment of Pretty Sweet Tuesdays, Vice has a trailer of the nearly 50 minutes of bonus footage that will be included on the Pretty Sweet DVD and Blu Ray. Enjoy.