Ryan Sheckler - 夏季滑板的狂欢

作者: Skate or Pie 发表于: 2012-10-22 评论: 0 查看: 0


        近日Sheckler Sessions : Skate or Pie系列节目更新到了第9期,本期视频主线将围绕着Ryan Sheckler的夏季旅程展开。从今年的世界滑板日到最近的红牛系列赛,视频中当然除了Ryan Sheckler还会有众多滑手出场,足足八分钟的视频绝对是一饱眼福啊。




Ryan Sheckler and the crew have a full skate day in Los Angeles starting at Stoner Park and ending in downtown but not before getting their hands full at the Red Bull headquarters. Party skate line included.

来源: Skate or Pie
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