Sk8mafia 固定滑板视频栏目Saturday School 本周准时发布!此次视频内容其实是明年春天Sk8mafia的滑板大片《SweetMafia》的一个小预告片,视频中的滑手都将参与Sk8mafia明年春季的《SweetMafia》,让我们先睹为快吧!
拍摄滑手:Wes Kremer, Thug Doug, Tyler Surrey, Jimmy Cao, Kellen James, Dorian Gray, Marcus Allen, Larelle Gray, and Marshall Heath.
Sk8mafia and Sweet skateboards give you a sneak peek to what’s in store for Josef Scott Jatta and Wes Kremer’s part in next year’s collab video SweetMafia coming Spring ’13. Then join the crew as they hit the streets of San Diego. Enjoy SK8mafia.