LRG滑板团队2012佛罗里达巡回短片出炉,喜欢Billy Marks, Tom Asta的朋友们不要错过,小滑手Felipe Gustavo表现也相当抢眼!
Check out Billy Marks, Tom Asta, Chico Brenes, Rodrigo TX, Felipe Gustavo, and Tommy Sandoval on their LRG tour through Florida this year.
LRG滑板团队2012佛罗里达巡回短片出炉,喜欢Billy Marks, Tom Asta的朋友们不要错过,小滑手Felipe Gustavo表现也相当抢眼!
Check out Billy Marks, Tom Asta, Chico Brenes, Rodrigo TX, Felipe Gustavo, and Tommy Sandoval on their LRG tour through Florida this year.