Etnies 11夏日欧洲巡回短片We’re Waiting on You, Dude

作者: Etnies 发表于: 2011-12-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

        Etnies发布2011夏日欧洲巡回“Were Waiting on You, Dude”视频,保持了品牌一贯的滑板视频风格,清新、明快、流畅、灵动,一部令人倍感享受的滑板短片。

        Etnies has a new online feature from their Euro “We’re Waiting on You, Dude” Tour with photos and video from Sean Malto, Jose Rojo, Devine Calloway, Nick Garcia, Ryan Pearce, Willow and bits of the Euro team.

来源: Etnies
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