传奇归来,Crailtap发布全新滑板大片震撼预告片,Spike Jonze, Ty Evans和Cory Weincheque三人联合执导拍摄,汇集Girl和Chocolate两大滑板团队成员,这部毫无争议的传奇作品将于2012华丽登场,拭目以待!
Crailtap have just released the trailer for the new, as-yet-unnamed movie from Girl and Chocolate Skateboards.
Directed by the triumvirate of Spike Jonze, Ty Evans and Cory Weincheque, it features all the usual suspects such as Eric Koston, Guy Mariano and Rick McCrank do tricks on their wooden toys.
They also seem to be playing with the slow motion button too, which could be good in trying to decipher some of the tech shit that people are doing nowadays.