Etnies发布最新宽屏概念滑板短片Aimless,由资深滑板导演Mike Manzoori执导,追随拍摄了Kyle Leeper, Jose Rojo, Tyler Bledsoe等一群年轻滑手在洛杉矶市区的悠闲之旅,影片无意展示惊人的滑板绝招,旨在寻求共鸣。该片早前在巴黎的Public Domaine滑板文化展首映,目前官方已正式提供高清下载。点击上图右键下载开启不容错过的视觉体验!
Etnies have just released this short skate video, Aimless.Directed by veteran skate filmmaker Mike Manzoori, it follows a growing group of skaters including Kyle Leeper, Jose Rojo and Tyler Bledsoe as they take a relaxed tour of Downtown Los Angeles.Says Manzoori: The idea is that it is sidewalk surfing, going from place to place and having momentum. Guys cruise around, meet other guys and the pack grows. Its not about having a particular destination, it not about heavyweight tricks, just the sort of thing everyone can appreciate. The film appeared as part of the Public Domaine: Skate Culture exhibition that took place at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris.