Thrasher发布Chris Haslam最新短片

作者: Thrasher 发表于: 2011-02-01 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Thrasher滑板杂志将Globe滑手Chris Haslam锁定为本周主打人物,在今后几天将会陆续发布一系列有关Chris Haslam的内容,以下为一段Chris Haslam的精彩滑板短片,更多精彩内容敬请关注本站后续更新!

    There are lots of good skaters, but only a few who constantly innovate and search the globe for spots like Chris does. Were going to give him a bunch of coverage this week—heres a quick blast of what hes been up to.

来源: Thrasher
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