Adidas Skateboarding最新巴西之旅短片

作者: Adidas 发表于: 2011-01-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Adidas近期对官方网站做了全新改版,同时发布了这段旗下滑板团队巴西之旅的短片,收录了Mark Gonzales,Benny Fairfax,Silas Baxter-Neal等滑手在圣保罗和里约热内卢的一些滑板地点拍摄的滑板片段。 

    Adidas Skateboarding have recently updated their website and released a video of their team trip to Brazil.The video sees the team including Mark Gonzales, Benny Fairfax and Silas Baxter-Neal take in spots in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

来源: Adidas
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