Emerica最新短片Wild Under the Streets

作者: Emerica 发表于: 2010-12-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Emerica发布最新滑板短片《Wild Under the Streets》,该片由摄影师Dom Marley和摄像Dan Magee与英国TEAMTEAM滑手Tom Knox以及欧洲TEAM滑手Rob Maatman和Eniz Fazliov合作拍摄于伦敦的地铁站等一些地下场所。

    Emerica have just released a video of a guerilla skate session in the London Underground called Wild Under the Streets.

    Earlier this year The Emerica UK team, along with fellow cohorts from the European team Rob Maatman and Eniz Fazliov, teamed up with photographer Dom Marley and filmer Dan Magee, for a one-off covert skate mission on the London Underground. Getting the tricks and shots involved serious stealth, spontaneity and brass necks.

来源: Emerica
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